Since there is unfortunately quite a gap in information about low-carbon construction and this application in Estonian, we will try to fill this gap on our website.
Here you will find a quick overview and explanation of terms and concepts related to EPDs.
Here you will find a quick overview and explanation of terms and concepts related to EPDs.
Read more about how EPD preparation works - what steps the process consists of and who is involved.
See here which of the Estonian manufacturers have already prepared an EPD for their products.
Coming soon - the information given on the EPD and its reading
Read more about what information is written on the EPD, how to read it and what to pay attention to.
Coming soon - EPD results and how to read them
See here what indicators are reflected on the EPD and how to read them.
Read here what a program operator is and how to make your choice.
Take a closer look at the differences in the process and price of EPD compilation, when you purchase the compilation as a service or prepare the EPD yourself.
Take a closer look at the differences in the process and price of EPD compilation, when you purchase the compilation as a service or prepare the EPD yourself.
Press (in Estonian)
10.02.21: Äripäev webinar, EPD value for a building material manufacturer (paywall)
19.01.21: Äripäev Construction News, The value of EPDs
20.11.20: Vikerraadio radio show "Huvitaja", CO2 footprint and its calculation (from 22:25)
01.08.20: Teeleht, Estonian Road Administration's 100th anniversary issue: Life cycle assessment (pp. 38-39)